Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Raul Castro for president!

February 24, 2008

Until these day, Cuba's president was the dictator Fidel Castro. This day, Raul Castro was named the new president by the Cuban parliament, ending nearly 50 years of rule by his brother Fidel but leaving the island's communist system unshaken.
People thought that the new president would be a  77-year-old revolutionary leader, Jose Ramon Machado.
The retirement of the ill 81-year-old president completes a career in which he frustrated efforts by 10 U.S. presidents to exclude him, and Raul Castro emphasised that his brother remains "commander in chief" even if he is not president. He proposed to consult with Fidel on all major decisions of state — a motion approved by acclamation.
Cubans complain that government salaries averaging a little more than $19 a month do not cover basic necessities — something Raul Castro confessed in a major speech in 2009.

Here is a video which shows Cuba's future with Raul Castro. In it is also mentioned the difference in governing Cuba. As in the video is said, Raul is more flexible than Fidel.

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